Breaking News :

Yangon Division

Renovation Works of the Tharkeyta Power Plant (State Owned)

Project Location


Yangon Region, in the compound of old Tharkeyta Power Plant




Marubeni Power and InfrastructureSystems Corporation


Project Type


State Owned

The contract has been signed between Electric Power Generation Enterprise and the Marubeni Power and Infrastructure Systems Corporation to renovate the 3 Gas Turbine Financed by JICA


Machine Type


GT (Frame-V, Mark- II)


Current Capacity


GT (3 x 19 MW)


Renovated capacity


GT (3 x 21.8MW)


Gas Consumption




Project Consultant


Joint Venture Between Tokyo Electric Power Services Co.,Ltd& Oriental Consultants Co.,Ltd


Current Status -

The renovation work of  GT NO.(2) had finished and it is operating in accordance with the electricity demand.

Currently contractor is executing the renovation work of GT No.(3) and GT No.(1)..



Rehabilitation Works of Transmission System (Ahlone, Hlawaga, Ywama, Tharkeyta)

Project Location


Yangon Region(Ahlone,Hlawga,Ywama,Tharkayta)




Mitsubishi Corporation


Project Implementation


 EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contract  has been signed between 

Electric Power Generation Enterprise and Mitsubishi Corporation dated 29 th May,2018,

  to rehabilitate the Transmission System of Ahlone, Hlawaga, Ywama and

Tharkeyta Sub-Station with the finance of JICA


Project Consultant


Joint Venture between Tokyo Electric Power ServicesCo.,Ltd& Oriental Consultants Co.,Ltd


Current Status


Currently  contractor is importing the substation equipment from the aboard and Implementing the Substation renovation works.Currently renovation work of Hlawga substation had finished and other 3 substations are under renovation.



Rehabilitation, Operation, Maintenance and Management (ROMM) of

HlawagaPower Plant (Private Owned)

Project Location


Yangon Region, in the compound of old Hlawaga Power Plant




Golden Green Energy Co.,Ltd


Project Type


ROMM (Private Owned)

The PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) contract was signed between Electric Power

Generation Enterprise and Golden Green Energy Co.,Ltd dated on 30 th November,2018,for the Rehabilitation,

Operation, Maintenance and Management (ROMM) of Hlawaga Power Plant


Machine Type


GT (Frame-6, Mark- V)



 STG (V63, CS-3000)


Current Capacity


70 MW


Renovated capacity


84 MW


Gas Consumption




Current Status


Because the project is stopped,Electric Power Generation Enterprise and Project Company are discussing to resume the project.


Ywama 300MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Project

Project Location                 -    Yangon Division, in the compound of Ywama Power Plant

Company                           -   

Project Type                       -    State Owned (World Bank Loan)

Contracted Capacity           -    300MW

Current Status                    -    Financing Agreement for Ywama Project has been signed between Ministry of                                                     Planning and Finance and World Bank dated on 3rd July 2020.

                                         -    EPGE issue the prequalification tender for Contractor dated on 11th June 2020                                                  and close dated on 20th August 2020. EPGE is reviewing the tender documents.

                                         -    EPGE sent the Request for Proposal (RFP) to the Short- listed Consultant date                                                   on 28th January 2021.

                                         -    Currently the project is pending because World Bank halted the financing for the                                                 World Bank loan projects in Myanmar.


Upgrading of 50MW Gas Turbine Power Plant to Combined Cycle Power Plant

Project Location                 -    Yangon Division, in the compound of Thilawa Power Plant

Company                           -   

Project Type                       -    State Owned (JICA Loan No. MY-P32)

Current Status                    -    JICA Loan Agreement No. MY-P32 for the Thilawa Project has been signed                                                         between Ministry of Planning and Finance and JICA dated on 31st March                                                           2020.Currently EPGE is preparing the Term of Reference (TOR) for Short-                                                         listed Consultant Tender with the JICA.