Background and Responsibilities of Electricity Supply Enterprise
- According to modern living standard which is sharply improving to forward, there is nothing which does not concern with the Electricity. Therefore, it is essential to improve the electric power generation, transmission and distribution sectors.
- The state Own Factories, Private Factories, Industrial Zones and River Pumping by Electricity are emerged a lot as Business in Myanmar is already approached to economic market system. Nowadays, electricity is essential for most of the modern appliances. To be able to fulfill the demand requirement and to get the energy meter bill concerns with the energy usage are important factors. Therefore, the role of Electricity Supply Enterprise is the essential one to develop the Nation’s Economic Sectors.
- To develop the role of economical and social sectors accompany by the country, electricity is the most important one. Under the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Electricity Supply Enterprise is striving to be able to supply the sustainable energy to consumers as much as they demand. Moreover, ESE is also striving to supply the electricity to the remote areas which are far from the Power Grid.
- Before the independent period, power distribution in Myanmar had two roles. The first one was Colony System Governance and the second one was Private. After the independent period, the act of 1948 was described to carry out the power distribution sectors only by the Government. In 1951, Electricity Supply Board (ESB) was organized under the Ministry of Industry. On 16th March 1972, Electricity Supply Board was changed to Electricity Power Corporation. Ministry of Industry was again organized as No.1 Ministry of Industry and No.2 Ministry of Industry dated on 1st April 1975. In that time, Electricity Power Corporation was under the No.2 Ministry of Industry. In 12.4.1985, Ministry of Energy is emerged under the No.2 Ministry of Industry. Electricity Power Corporation is reformed to Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise under the Ministry of Industry.
- Ministry of Electric Power was emerged instead of Ministry of Energy dated on 15th November 1997. There were two department and one enterprise under the Ministry of Electric Power. These are Department of Electric Power, Myanma Electric Power Enterprise and Department of Hydro Power.
- Ministry of Electric Power was reorganized as Ministry of Electricity No.1 and Ministry of Electricity No.2. Under the Ministry of Electric Power No.2, the following four departments were included:
- Department of Electric Power ( DEP )
- Myanma Electric Power Enterprise ( MEPE )
- Electricity Supply Enterprise ( ESE )
- Yangon Electricity Supply Board ( YESB )
- Ministry of Electric Power No.1 and No.2 were combined as Ministry of Electric Power dated on 5th September 2012. Then, Ministry of Electric Power and Ministry of Energy were reorganized as Ministry of Electricity and Energy dated on 17th March 2016.
- Ministry’s guidelines deals with power distribution policies and goals are implementing such as the following:
- The data and the figures deals with our Enterprise are always collected and listed for the short-term and long-term plans which are carrying out by the Department of Electric Power Planning.
- Implementation and Maintenance for Hydro Power Plants, Gas Turbine Power Plants, and other Power Plants from outside of the Power Grid are carried out.
- Electricity is bought from by Department of Electric Power Transmission and System Control, other wise neighboring countries Power trade.
- In the relevant each region, electricity is sold to the public, state owned and private industries, enterprises and industrial zones.
- Power generation and distribution are carried out to cope with the standards guide lines by the Ministry.
- Responsibilities which will be done in the future are also carried out.
- Power distribution projects are implemented.
- Yearly budgets are allocated yearly for ESE.
- Sustainable power supply projects and qualified power are carried out.
- It is striving to reduce both technical Power losses and non technical Power losses.
- Under the organization of ESE, one Managing Director, three General Managers and two Chief Engineers are carrying out the relevant tasks by the following five departments;
- Administration Department
- Finance Department
- Material Planning Department
- Power Distribution Department
- Engineering Support Department
- There are sixteen state and divisional engineer offices under the ESE. Those are:
- Chief Engineer’s Office, ESE Naypyitaw (Union Region)
- Sagaing Region Engineer’s Office
- Bago Region (East) Engineer’s Office
Bago Region (West) Engineer’s Office
- Magway Region Engineer’s Office
- Ayeyawady Region Engineer’s Office
- Danintharyi Region Engineer’s Office,
- Kachin State Engineer’s Office
- Kayar State Engineer’s Office
- Kayin State Engineer’s Office
- Chin State Engineer’s Office
- Mon State Engineer’s Office
- Rakhine State Engineer’s Office
- Shan State (South) Engineer’s Office
- Shan State (North) Engineer’s Office
- Shan State (East) Engineer’s Office
- Under the State and Divisional Engineers’ Office, the following sub offices are carrying out the relevant tasks:
- Superintendent Engineers in District Offices
- Executive Engineers in District Offices
- Executive Engineers in Township Offices
- Assistant Engineers in Township Offices
- Sub-Assistant Engineer in Township Offices
- Assistant Supervisors in Township Offices
- 66 kV Substations
- 33 kV Substations
Main Departments’ Responsibilities of Electricity Supply Enterprise
17 Administration Departments’ Responsibilities and Duties
- To prepare the organization structure, to appoint the post , to transfer the staff, to do promotion of the staff, to permit to leave from the job.
- To perform the furlough, to pay increment, service life, retirement, welfare of the staff.
- To dispatch the staff and officers to the relevant trainings.
- To guide the staff discipline and punishment.
- To perform the case for salary, relief and uniform.
- To perform the liquidation and tender processes.
- To perform the settling of office, substation, staff housing, security and miscellaneous case.
- To maintain the list of staff resources, to put the biography in the memory card and general duties.
18 Finance Department’s Responsibilities and Duties
(a) Performing to achieve provision of income, to reduce outstanding and to get accurate data.
(b) Preparation of revenue and capital budget.
(c) Allocation approved budget to departments of Head Office , State and Region and transferring Drawing Limit.
(d) Managing and Supervising to utilize budget as per financial rules, regulations and procedure.
(e) Performing monthly Statement of Receipt and Expenditure and yearly Financial Statement.
(f) Auditing paper work of regarding finance at Township , District , State and Region’s Office.
19. Material Planning Department’s Responsibilities and Duties
- to deliver one year requirements list and indent to procure the domestic made materials.
- to call tender, to do the contract agreement and to repay the loans for procurement of materials from abroad .
- to inspect the procured materials in the relevant store and to check and receiving the materials from state and regions.
- to auction the waste and unused materials and to do the write - off.
- to evaluate, select and issue the materials which are requested by state and regional engineers’ offices.
- to deliver the materials to site by vehicles if required.
- to inspect the material keeping in the store ware house in state and regional offices.
20. Power Distribution Department’s Responsibilities and Duties
- to distribute electricity to public and industries in the whole country.
- to cope electricity with the increased power demand .
- to collect data and enhance the power distribution system.
- to calculate and sumbit the required materials for the power distribution system.
- to perform the electrical safety managements.
- to perform the development tasks of Department of Border and National Races.
- to perform to reduce the power outage.
- to distribute electricity to the river pumping tasks, industrial zones and state owned industries.
21. Engineering Support Department’s Responsibilities and Duties
- to supply the power to remote areas by diesel generators.
- to supply the power to remote areas by small hydro power plants .
- to maintain vehicles and mechanisms.
- to repair diesel engines and small hydro power plants in southern workshop (Yangon)
- to construct and maintain new civil infrastructure such as staff housing, offices, store, substation buildings, guest houses etc.