Organization Chart of Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation

Duties and Responsibilities of YESC
YESC shall perform the following functions in Yangon Region;
- To develop the short-term and long-term project plans
- To perform the development of electric power sector in line with the International Standards
- To make plan for the sufficient electricity supply to the consumers
- To carry out the technical and non-technical losses reduction plan
- To distribute the continuous supply of the qualified and reliable power to the consumers
- To monitor the collection of electricity bills in order to receive accurately and completely
- To conduct regular inspection on the implementation of the projects by the assigned group or individual technician
- To conduct inspection on the electricity consumption by individual assigned person or assigned teams occasionally
- To promote the capacity of the Corporation Staffs to improve competency and to comply with the disciplines related to the work
- To cooperate with related Government Departments, National and International Organizations and Stakeholders in order to promote the implementation of the Corporation’s tasks
- To fully comply with the provision of Electricity Law and Rules and Regulations
Duties & Responsibilities of Administration Department
Administration Department shall:
- monitor the staffs in order to comply with the stipulated laws and policies, rules and regulations, terms and conditions and guidelines;
- manage the staff affairs according to law and policies;
- manage the land and building premises issues related to Corporation;
- monitor and manage the activities related to human resource development and capacity building for the staff by arranging the training, excursion and seminar;
- conduct the performance appraisal including provision of rewards and penalties in order to promote the capability and competency of the staffs;
- manage the tasks related to staffs’ international travel and visa process for foreigner who are related to Cooperation including their accommodation and travel;
- perform the tender process to sell the Corporation’s assets and to write out for the disposal and damaged items;
- perform the tasks related to identify the corporation’s logo, flag, and uniform;
- maintain and manage the vehicles and machineries and equipment;
- perform the public relation related to Corporation’s service delivery;
- disseminate the information related to corporation to the public in time and an accurate manner;
- develop and/or provide the necessary advice on laws and contracts and documentations related to Corporation.
Duties & Responsibilities of Finance Department
Finance Department shall:
(a) Formulate and estimate the Annual Budget Accounts for YESC;
(b) Record and keep the daily budget accounts entry;
(c) Develop and submit the annual and monthly financial report and bank statements;
(d) Oversee the income and expenditure;
(e) Assess and carry out for the increment of corporation income;
(f) Monitor the corporation income not to be wasted;
(g) Carry out the remuneration for the BOD, CEO and the staffs;
(h) Perform to comply keeping the financial statements with Myanmar Financial Statement Standards in accordance with
International Account keeping functions;
(i) Perform the Financial Management to be successful YESC’s functions in accordance with the Market Economy;
(j) Contribute the financial statements related with Local and Foreign procurements;
(k) Monitor & inspect the YESC’s expenditure / expenses to comply with financial rules and procedures;
(l) Review and monitor for rewarding expenses, running funds and other funds for reservation and investment functions
base on the YESC’s Budgets/expenditures.
(m) Oversee the auditing of YESC’s project by appointed audit team.
(n) Assess the budgets / (income and expenditure) and estimating new tariff to propose if necessary.
Duties and Functions of Material Planning Department
Material Planning Department shall:
- Monitor the materials purchasing, filling, storing and distributing in order to comply with the guided instructions, rules and regulations;
- Carry out to draw back vehicles, machineries and other materials related to the project shipped to oversea after the completion of the project as per the contract;
- Arrange to repair the damaged electrical equipment in oversea;
- Oversee the whole procurement procedure not to be wasted at the start of purchasing to the end of distributing.
Duties and Responsibilities of Planning Department
Planning Department shall:
- Perform the task related to recording the data and information related to substations, transformers, and distribution lines, analyzing the data and providing the recommendations and developing the project proposals;
- Perform the task related to assessing the demand forecasting for the future, developing the project plan with regards to expansion of electrical infrastructure, developing the design and forecasting and evaluating the necessary investment;
- Perform the task related to acquiring the loans, grants and technical support by collaboration with international financial organization, development partners and local organizations;
- Perform the extension of the infrastructure related to substations, overhead lines and relevant buildings;
- Monitor the task related to quality control over the project implementation in accordance with specified standards;
- Perform the skill improvement training and workshops in order to promote the capacity of the engineering related staffs;
- Task related to analyzing and recommendation on the incidence of electrical risks and to release the necessary instructions not to happening the risk and accidents again and to be safe in the future.
Duties and Responsibilities of Distribution Department
Distribution Department shall:
- Perform the tasks systematically related to negotiation to get sufficient electrical power supply with transmission system operator in order to distribute the qualified/efficient electrical power continuously and to monitor the substations and distribution lines within the electrical system/network;
- Perform the task related to testing the existing substations, overhead lines and transformers, regular monitoring, maintenance and extension as necessary/required;
- Perform the task related to the reduction of the electrical losses;
- Perform the task related to acquiring the electrical power from alternated power supply under the exceptional condition;
- Perform the task systematically related to establishing the monitoring system/load control center by using the advanced information technology;
- Develop the systematic plan in advance to make sure to recover the electrical power if there are unexpected circumstances of electrical power break down.